Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Which Way Do You Lean?

This photo pretty much represents the leanings of the country as determined by the last election. Now if trees could have voted......

While I did not vote for him, I sincerely hope that his presidency is successful. This country needs to pull together, not apart. God's speed President Obama.


Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you said. America is at a crossroad. We will all succeed or fail together. "God Bless The United States of America." Amen

photowannabe said...

We definitely need to pray for those in authority. I didn't vote for him either but he's our Pres. now so we must forge ahead and pray for our country too.

RD said...

I voted for him and will also be praying for wisdom and safety. I think he's got a lot of good ideas and the goodwill of the people. There's a lot to clean up.